10 Questions to ask your Mom this Weekend!

Questions to ask your MomGo Ask Your Mom!

While flowers and great food are wonderful ways to celebrate Mother’s Day or any weekend, what many of us want the most is to feel connected, valued and appreciated.  It is fun and interesting  to raise new topics for conversation and also a great way to maintain close connection.

These questions to ask your Mom are a great way to hear funny stories, maintain family legacies and enjoy one another’s company on a Sunday afternoon.  There are so many competing demands for our time, we sometimes forget to sit down and learn new things about people who have always been in our lives.

If your mother is deceased, this can be an invitation to look through old photos, or share stories about your Mom as a way to keep her memories fresh.

If you aren’t on speaking terms right now, or are estranged, remember that family is about relationship, not about blood.  I encourage you to reach out to someone in your life who has been a strong force for you, or someone with whom you’d like to be closer.

Choose from the list of questions below, or come up with your own to connect a little more closely this weekend or any weekend!

1.  What is one of your earliest memories?

2.  Is there anything you have been too nervous to tell or ask me until now?

3.  What is your favorite thing about being a Mom?

4.  What did you used to do for fun as a little kid?

5.  Is there a project or activity you’d like to plan together?

6. What is the best advice you remember from your Mother? Grandmother?

7.  What is one of your fondest memories of when I was little?

8.  Do I remind you of anyone in the family?

9.  What family tradition is the most important to you?

10.  Is there any family story you remember being told to you?

This is a great exercise, but if it doesn’t work, try reading our article on How to Get Your Parents Off Your Back.

Photo credit:© Rmarmion | Dreamstime.com – Minority Family Photo
