What is Psychological Assessment?
Psychological assessment includes ADHD testing, ADHD screening, intelligence testing and intelligence assessment.
If you are concerned about a child who is having difficulty thriving at school, home, or with social relationships, you might not know where to turn, or how to find out the cause of these struggles.
If you were to break your arm, your physician would likely view an X-Ray before setting a cast. In all health-related services, thorough assessments and tests dictate next steps and the same is true for behavioral or and mental health struggles.
Psychological assessment or ADHD testing might be the next step.
In the world of psychology, we don’t have blood tests that we can run to find out if you have anxiety, ADHD, or to determine your IQ. But we do have psychological assessment. Psychological assessment is the process in which a psychologist will utilize standardized procedures to better understand the client and any symptoms they might be experiencing. Typically, this entails a combination of clinical interviews (talking to the pyschologist), observations, questionnaires, and other tools. At Main Line Counseling Partners, we are proud to offer several types of psychological assessment for children, adolescents, and young adults:
Pediatric Intelligence Testing (IQ)- $500
Ages 6 – 16
This testing is ideal for parents and guardians who are seeking admissions testing for private school. Maybe you suspect your child is intellectually gifted, or you want more understanding about the way they learn and process information. We are here to guide you through this process step by step in gathering the information in a gentle manner, helping all parties feel comfortable, and interpreting the results of the examination.
- Clinical Interview with caregiver(s)
- Clinical Interview with child
- Review of any previous records
- Assessment with Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
- Written Report
- 30-Minute Feedback Session
For more information about this assessment, click the button below to speak to our intake coordinator, who can schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Prato to discuss your questions or concerns.
Pediatric ADHD Screening – $400
Ages 6 – 18
Are you wondering if you or your child is experiencing symptoms of ADHD but are not sure whether you need a full battery of tests? This screening might be right for you. If you or someone in your child’s life suspects ADHD, we are offering an ADHD screening as an alternative to an extensive ADHD assessment. This will provide a general idea of whether symptoms are present which may or may not warrant the full ADHD assessment described below.
- Clinical interview with caregiver(s)
- Clinical interview with child
- Review of any previous records
- Assessment with the Conners -3
- Written Report
- 30-Minute Feedback Session
If your ADHD screening results indicate the need for a full ADHD assessment, MLCP will apply the cost of the screening to the balance of a full assessment.
Full Pediatric ADHD Assessment – $3,000
Ages 6 – 18
If your child is experiencing psychological symptoms, and you and other caregivers need help identifying what is going on, a full ADHD assessment may be right for you.
This comprehensive ADHD testing includes a series of interviews, observations and tests designed to tease out the cause of the symptoms your child is experiencing. We will collaborate with your child’s team, help your child feel at ease, and make recommendations for intervention and accommodation. Once you are provided information about how your child processes information, it will be easier for you and the team to set your child up for success. Your psychologist will answer any questions you have and guide you through the process along the way.
- Clinical interview with caregiver(s)
- Clinical interview with child
- Review of any previous records
- Observation of child in school setting x 2
- Collateral contact with relevant school faculty/staff
- Standardized Assessments:
- Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning – Second Edition (BRIEF-2)
- Conners – Third Edition (Conners-3)
- Behavior Assessment System for Children – Third Edition (BASC-3)
- Beck Youth Inventories – Second Edition (BYI-2)
- Written Report
- 50-Mintue Feedback Session
For more information about this ADHD assessment, click the button below to speak to our intake coordinator, who can schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Prato to discuss your questions or concerns.
One of the ideals we strive for at Main Line Counseling Partners is to ensure that all have access to our services. We recognize the costly nature of psychological assessments, and are prepared to offer lower-cost testing options for any clients who are interested.
The above services are typically offered by our Senior Clinician and Psychologist, Dr. Meghan Prato. However, as a teaching institution, we also have the privilege of offering psychological assessments under the care of our psychology student, Ms. Anaiya Baukman, who practices under the supervision of Dr. Prato. Ms. Baukman provides the same assessments at a lower cost, and all evaluations are also reviewed by Dr. Prato prior to finalization. Please do not hesitate to inquire about lower cost services by contacting Dr. Prato.
Perhaps you are ready to schedule IQ testing or ADHD testing, or maybe you would like to discuss which psychological assessment is appropriate given your unique situation. Either way, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help you determine the next right steps. To begin, please feel free to directly call our Intake Coordinator at 610-642-3359 x 1, or click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone-consultation.